We invest in enterprises with innovative ideas that have a potential for a globalised market.


Our venture operations are characterised by a strong focus on progress and development in the companies of which we choose to be part. We are present in all the processes required for companies to be able to realise their ideas and achieve their objectives in as short a time as possible.

We invest in companies with innovative ideas that have the potential to operate on an international market. The company’s operations must also have a positive social impact. It must be run by a proven team of managers who are able to realise the potential of the service or product in a balanced manner and meet the owners’ objectives.

The overall objective for us is either lucrative sales or for the company to meet the criteria for strategic ownership that permit long-term ownership. We play an active, personal role in the work of the Board of Directors of each associated company, with other investors.

Our commitment to and passion for company development and innovation go back four generations. In this context, we would mention the establishment of Gambro and Nämndemansgården. This had a great impact on our direction and our investments in companies that help make a positive impact on society. Our involvement in Addera Care and Cross Solutions is a good example.




During the autumn, several of Dendera Venture´s protfolio companies have moved their positions forward:


Orbital Systems already distinguished oenership group was enlarged by the listed investment company Öresund.


Ifrågasätt closes a financing round with, among others, Softhouse, while the company´s live reporting service is gaining market shares.


Cross Technology Solutions has been granted a patent in the United States for its software platform LifePod, which means that the patent now covers the majority of OECD countries.


Learning to Sleep´s market investment during the pandemic pays off well and doubled the number of sleep treatments in October compared to the same period in 2019.